Video 3-By-Gerund-Clause

Conversation 3

Man: So, what are you doing?

Woman: I'm studying Japanese by watching videos on Netflix.

Man: That's interesting, but it must be difficult.

Woman: it is, but I can follow along by reading the captions.

Man: Oh, do you mean the English subtitles?

Woman: No, the captions. I hear it and read the Japanese text simultaneously. By doing so, I can catch a lot.

Man: That sounds like a good strategy. I should try that to learn French.

Woman: Oh, you are learning French.

Man: Yes, but just by using some vocabulary apps on my phone.

Woman: Well, you might learn more by checking out some video online. There are lots on Youtube.

Man: Or by using your Netflix account.

Woman: Not a chance. Nice try though.

Man: Well, no one ever got anything by not asking.

Woman: True. I'll give you that.

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