
Conversation 1

Man: What are you doing?

Woman: I’m trying to learn Yoga.

Man: Well, be careful. Don’t hurt yourself.

Woman: I won’t. I’m taking it slow.

Man: Why don’t you take a class or watch a video?

Woman: No, I’d rather teach myself. I like learning things on my own.

Man: Suit yourself.

Conversation 2

Man: so, where are you living these days?

Woman: I live near the beach.

Man: Oh, rent is so expensive there. Do you have a roommate?

Woman: No, I live by myself.

Man: Wow! That must be so nice to live by the beach.

Woman: It is. When I saw the apartment, I told myself I had to get it, no matter the cost.

Man: That must cost a lot.

Woman: Not really, because it is near the beach and my work, I no longer need a car,

so I save a lot of money on transportation.

Man: Well, that must be nice.

Woman: Yeah, in a way, the apartment pays for itself.

Conversation 3

Man: Can I have another cookie?

Woman: By all means. Help yourself.

Man: These are so good. Did you buy them?

Woman: Oh, heaven’s no! I made them myself.

Man: Wow, well, you outdid yourself. These are delicious.

Woman: Well, I’m glad you like them.

Conversation 4

Woman: What did you buy at the store?

Man: I bought myself a new watch.

Woman: Oh, cool. What can it do?

Man: It can monitor my sleep, and it never needs batteries.

Woman: It doesn’t need batteries! How does it do that?

Man: It recharges itself you using solar power.

Woman: Wow, I need to get a watch like that.

Man: You should. Sometimes we need to treat ourselves to something nice.

Woman: I like how you think

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