Video 2-By-Gerund-Clause

Conversation 2

Man: Hey, what are you reading?

Woman: I'm reading how cows contributes to climate change.

Man: Cows! How do they do that?

Woman: By releasing methane gas into the environment.

Man: But, they're cows! I don't see how they can do that.

Woman: They release gas by burping. It says cows burb a lot.

Man: By burping? How strange.

Woman: It also says that farmers cause damage by cutting down trees to make farmland.

Man: Yes, I've heard about that. Cutting down forests does damage by reducing how much trees can absorb C02.

Woman: Yes, and deforestation is also a problem by causing soil erosion.

Man: So, what can we do about it?

Woman: I suppose that we could help by eating less beef.

Man: Yeah, or we could help by buying meat from local organic farms.

Woman: Sounds good. Time to put our best foot forward.

Man: Yes, and to put our money where our mouth is, literally.

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