Video 3-Relative-Clause-Quantifiers

Conversation 3 - Police Report

Woman: Hello, I heard that you wanted to report a crime.

Man: Yes, some teens came in my store and stole some food and beverages. 

Woman: OK, how many of them were there?

Man: There were four teenagers, all of whom I had seen before. I think they live near here.

Woman: OK, what did you see them take?

Man: They took some candy from over there and some sodas in the back, none of which they paid for.

Woman: OK, I can take a report, but if the crime is less than 100 dollars, we can’t do anything. 

Man: Well, that’s unfortunate. If this happens again, I might take the law into my own hands.  

Woman: I wouldn’t do that. I recommend you install security cameras, most of which are very affordable and do a good job of deterring crime. 

Man: OK, officer. I’ll consider that. Thanks for your help and have a nice day. 

Woman: Thanks, you, too. 

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