Conversación 3 - ¿Qué hay para comer?

Conversación #3

Hombre: ¿Qué hay para comer?

Mujer: Pues, hay pasta en el refri.

Hombre: Mmm, acabo de almorzar pasta, ¿qué más hay?

Mujer: Bueno, hay algunas cosas para preparar sándwiches.

Hombre: Puede ser, ¿dónde está el pan?

Mujer: En la alacena hay uno, creo.

Lesson Summary

Summary: The man asks what food is available. The woman tells him there is pasta in the fridge, but he has already eaten pasta for lunch. She then suggests making a sandwich, and he considers it. He asks where the bread is, and she tells him there is some in the pantry.

📌 Key Expressions:

¿Qué hay para comer?What is there to eat?
Pues, hay pasta en el refri.Well, there’s pasta in the fridge.
Mmm, acabo de almorzar pasta, ¿qué más hay?Mmm, I just had pasta for lunch. What else is there?
Bueno, hay algunas cosas para preparar sándwiches.Well, there are some things to make sandwiches.
¿Dónde está el pan?Where is the bread?
En la alacena hay uno, creo.There’s one in the pantry, I think.

🗂️ Important Vocabulary:

ComerTo eat
Refri (refrigerador)Fridge
AlmorzarTo have lunch

Key Grammar Points:

Using "hay" to talk about available food:
"¿Qué hay para comer?""What is there to eat?"
"Hay pasta en el refri.""There’s pasta in the fridge."

Talking about recent actions with "acabar de" + infinitive:
"Acabo de almorzar pasta.""I just had pasta for lunch."

This conversation is useful for talking about food availability and asking where things are! 🍽️🥪

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