Conversación 3 - ¿Comes comida saludable?

Conversación #3

Hombre: ¿Comes comida saludable? 

Mujer: Si, como muchísimos vegetales verdes como habichuelas y lechuga. 

Hombre: ¡Que bien! ¡Eso es muy saludable! 

Mujer: Pero también como comida blanca que es no tan saludable, como pan blanco, azúcar blanco y patatas. 

Hombre: ¿Y comes arroz blanco?

Mujer: Como arroz integral, no blanco.

Hombre: ¡Qué bien, muy saludable!

Lesson Summary

Summary:The conversation is about eating healthy and unhealthy foods. The woman shares that she eats many healthy green vegetables, such as beans and lettuce, but also eats less healthy white foods like white bread, sugar, and potatoes. She clarifies that she eats brown rice instead of white rice. The man praises her choices as being very healthy.

In this conversation, we practice discussing food preferences, distinguishing between healthy and unhealthy foods, and reacting positively to healthy choices.

📌 Key Expressions:

  • ¿Comes comida saludable? → Do you eat healthy food?
  • Como muchísimos vegetales verdes. → I eat a lot of green vegetables.
  • Eso es muy saludable. → That’s very healthy.
  • ¿Y comes arroz blanco? → Do you eat white rice?
  • Como arroz integral, no blanco. → I eat brown rice, not white.

🗂️ Important Vocabulary:

  • Comida saludable → Healthy food
  • Vegetales verdes → Green vegetables
  • Habichuelas → Beans
  • Lechuga → Lettuce
  • Comida blanca → White food (e.g., white bread, white sugar)
  • Arroz integral → Brown rice
  • Patatas → Potatoes

Key Points:

  • Use "¿Comes comida saludable?" to ask about someone’s eating habits.
  • "Muchísimos" expresses a large quantity of something.
  • "Comer" is used to talk about eating in general.
  • "Arroz integral" (brown rice) is considered a healthier option than white rice.
  • "¡Qué bien!" is used to express approval or admiration.

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