Conversación 4 - ¿Compraste papitas?

Conversación #4

Hombre: Entonces, ¿qué compraste de almuerzo?

Mujer: Compré algunas cosas para hacer sándwiches.

Hombre: ¡Genial! ¿Compraste papitas?

Mujer: No, no compré, no las vi.

Hombre: Bueno, no importa, tenemos pretzels.

Mujer: Está bien.

Lesson Summary

Summary: The man asks the woman what she bought for lunch, and she says she got some things to make sandwiches. He asks if she bought chips, but she says she didn’t see them. He reassures her that it’s okay because they have pretzels, and she agrees.

📌 Key Expressions:

¿Qué compraste de almuerzo?What did you buy for lunch?
Compré algunas cosas para hacer sándwiches.I bought some things to make sandwiches.
¿Compraste papitas?Did you buy chips?
No, no compré, no las vi.No, I didn’t buy them, I didn’t see them.
Bueno, no importa, tenemos pretzels.Well, it doesn’t matter, we have pretzels.
Está bien.That’s fine.

🗂️ Important Vocabulary:

ComprarTo buy

Key Grammar Points:

Past tense of "comprar" (to buy):
"¿Qué compraste de almuerzo?""What did you buy for lunch?" (Tú form - informal past tense)
"No, no compré, no las vi.""No, I didn’t buy them, I didn’t see them." (Yo form - informal past tense)

Negation in Spanish:
"No, no compré, no las vi.""No, I didn’t buy them, I didn’t see them." (Double negation is common in Spanish)

This conversation is great for learning how to talk about past purchases and food choices in Spanish! 🥪

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