Audio Text - Noun Clause

Conversation 1 – What

Woman: So, how is the new software development project going?

Man: Good, from what I've been seeing, we should be finished within this month.

Woman: OK, what I really need, at this point, is a basic version to show clients by next week. By any chance, is that possible?

Man: Well, I will see what I can do, but no promises. 

Woman: Really, you think you can do it?

Man: It won't be perfect, but I can get you a basic version of the software for promotional purposes. 

Woman: Great. That's what I was hoping for.

Conversation 2 – Where 

Woman: How is the film going?

Man: Good, but we need more money to film a few scenes.

Woman: Well, from where I'm standing, we can't give you anymore money. You are already over-budget. 

Man: Yes, but we need to film in a new location. Where we are filming now just doesn't cut it.

Woman: I don't like where you're going with this. This is costing too much money.

Man: Look, I understand, but this next scene is where the movie really comes together. We really need it. 

Woman: OK. I'll see what I can do, but this is the last time. Don't ask for more.

Man: Thank you. I really appreciate this.

Conversation 3 – How

Woman: And this is how we can turn sales into profits! And that is my presentation. Thank you for coming. 

Man: That was a great presentation. I loved how you explained the data.

Woman: Oh, thank you. You never know how it will come across to the audience. 

Man: Well, you deserve a lot of credit. Your style is very engaging, especially how you talk and how you use humor to make a point. 

Woman: Well, thank you again. I'm glad that it was well-received. 

Man: Also, how you came up with the data was really interesting. Do you think we can discuss it over a cup of coffee?

Woman: I'd love to. I think there's a café downstairs. 

Conversation 4 – Why

Man: Ms. Wilson, can you explain to me why I got a low score on my paper?

Woman: Well, the main reason is that you did not follow the topic. Did you read the instructions?

Man: Yes, but I didn't like it, so I wrote about why I love football so much.

Woman: Well, that is why you got a low grade. You have to follow the rules. 

Man: Yeah, but why can't I write about what I want to write about.

Woman: Well, for one, it is not fair for other students.

Man: OK, I got it. I see your point.

Woman: For what it's worth, I did enjoy reading it. 

Man: Thanks, but about my grade, can I rewrite the paper?

Woman: Yes, but you will need to get it to me by Friday. 

Man: Thank you. I appreciate it. 

Woman: Well, I look forward to your new paper. Why don't you write about why animals rights are important?

Man: I will. Thanks so much!

Woman: Why students don't follow the rules is beyond me!

Conversation 5 – Who

Man: Who is our daughter talking to?

Woman: I am not sure who he is. She mentioned something about a new friend from work.

Man: Well, I don't like who she hangs out with. 

Woman: Who she hangs out with is none of your business. She is 25 after all. 

Man: Well, you know the old saying “It's not about what you know, but who you know!”

Woman: Well, she should have the right to see whoever she likes. 

Man: I know. I'm just being a dad.

Woman: And I'm just being a mom.

Conversation 6 – Whose

Man: Do you know whose desk this is?

Woman: I think that is Joan's desk.

Man: No, that's not Joan's desk. The one that has two monitors is Joan's desk.

Woman: Hmm! Well then, I don't know whose it is then.

Man: Well, somebody must know who sits here.

Woman: Right, someone. Just not us.

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