Audio Text - Correlative Conjunctions

Conversation 1

Man: Is Bob coming to the party?

Woman: Yes, both he and his wife are coming.

Man: What about Joe and his wife?

Woman: Neither Joe nor his wife can make it.

Man: Oh, that’s too bad.

Woman: Yeah, it is rare when all of us are together.

Conversation 2

Woman: What can I use to make a website?

Man: I would use either Blogger or WordPress.

Woman: Which one is better?

Man: It depends whether you are making a simple site or a complex site.

Woman: I am making a simple site.

Man: Then I would use Blogger.

Conversation 3

Man: Do you know whether Jack or Sally will give the next presentation?

Woman: It will be Sally, I think.

Man: Why not Jack, or Jim for that matter?

Woman: Both Jack and Jim are not as experienced as Sally.

Man: True, they are both newbies.

Woman: Yeah, they will be ready to do it soon.

Conversation 4

Man: I hear both Jill and Sue will quit soon.

Woman: What will they do?

Man: I am not sure. I think they will either get a new job or go back to school.

Woman: I am really going to miss Jill.

Man: Yeah, neither the office nor the company outings will be the same without her.

Woman: So true!

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