Elizabeth - USA - What is a popular singer that you dislike?

Hi, my name is Elizabeth. I am from the United States, and my question is, what is a popular singer that you dislike?

So, I would have to say a popular singer that I dislike is Taylor Swift. Now, I will say she has done a wonderful job marketing herself. She's very clever with writing song lyrics, and she puts on some impressive performances. But I just really don't understand the hype. I don't think that her song lyrics are very deep. I also think that her fan base, they like no matter what song comes out, even if it's terrible, they're going to say that it is gold.

Okay. So for those reasons, I don't really like her. Now I can quote some of her songs, especially her older country ones. So I do understand that she's very good at what she does, but for the reasons I mentioned, I just don't particularly like her.

Marketing herself – promoting herself in a way that makes people interested in her or her work.

Clever – smart or intelligent, especially in a way that is creative or shows skill.

Hype – exaggerated or intense publicity or excitement about something; usually suggests that the thing is not as good as people claim.

Deep – having a lot of meaning or emotional complexity; often used to describe something thought-provoking or meaningful.

Fan base – the group of people who are loyal supporters or admirers of a singer, band, or other public figure.

Gold – a term used figuratively to mean something of great value or excellence; in this context, it suggests that fans see her work as extremely good even if it might not be.

Particularly – specifically or more than others; used to emphasize a certain point or preference.

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